
Purple Jade

Purple Jade is a stone of mirth and happiness. By purifying the aura and dispelling any negative feelings or attitudes, it allows for the spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and spill over to others. The humor evoked by this stone enhances appreciation of the Divine order in all things.

Purple Jade, in shades of light to dark violet, is also a stone of discernment. Its frequency speaks of spiritual knowledge and the ability to use that information to decide what is most aligned with one's personal path. Purple Jade is a variety of Jadeite, one of two distinctly different minerals that share the name Jade. Nephrite is a calcium magnesium silicate with a smooth surface polish and waxy sheen, usually in shades of white, mid- to deep olive green, brown and black. Jadeite is a sodium aluminum silicate, hard and lustrous, rarer than Nephrite, and usually more expensive.