LXN: Peaceful Warrior [Wholesale]
Spiritual Healing, Courage and Motivation, Protects owner from many kinds of disasters.
Bead Sizes:15MM, 10MM, 8MM, 6MMAnkh Pendant
The Ankh is also known as the key of life and the breath of life. The Ankh can be used as a porthole or mirror to the other side and can serve as a channel of communication to the divine. It is an amulet of spiritual healing. The Ankh is worn for good luck and fortune and protect against bad energies.
Tiger's Eye - Brown
Known as “The Shapeshifter,” this stone of courage and motivation will help you be successful at everything you do.
Tibet Dzi Round Beads
In Tibet, it has been loved as a good-luck charm for Buddhists. It is a sacred item that is considered to have the energy from the heavens. Dzi Bead would protect the owner from many kinds of disasters. It is also used to pray for physical and mental wellness and no sickness.
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Packaging:Jewelry Box,Cleaning Cloth & Jewelry,Travel Bag
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